Saturday, March 27, 2010

Motivational Tips utk Sume Pompuan...

(quoted from Kathy Smith's Motivational Tips..)

Be Consistent

What's the secret to health and fitness success? That's the question I'm asked far more than any other.

The answer: Be consistent. Be consistent. Be consistent.

For more than twenty years, I've exercised every day. Now, does that mean a full, hour-long workout? No. Some days, in fact, I only have time for ten minutes; other days, only thirty; still others, a strenuous, two-hour hike. There are periods when I'm traveling for a week or so and only able to get in a few minutes of exercise between meetings. But whether it's ten minutes, thirty, or a long sixty, I make sure I work up as much of a sweat as possible. Not only because I'm trying to burn off last night's dinner or because I think it'll improve my cardiovascular capacity, but because I don't want to fall out of practice. That's what I mean by consistency - if you fall out of the habit, get right back on track.

Often when I talk to people who aren't exercising on a consistent basis, I get the feeling that they have the best intentions, but allow one excuse after the next to interfere with their workouts. Then, they lose momentum. "I was exercising and then all of a sudden I just stopped," is a common lament. "I don't know what happened; I just sort of quit. I haven't really done it for six months, but I plan on starting again right after my birthday."

But exercise and self-care is not an on-and-off proposition. It's a daily one. If you don't have time to do your regular workout in its entirety you don't abandon the whole thing. That's not the way to approach exercise.

Try thinking of it this way. You have a goal - an ideal, if you will. The ideal is to work out five times a week for at least thirty minutes. But if you can't get in all thirty, then you take what you can. That's the way life works. Just because you fall short of an ideal doesn't mean that you abandon its pursuit. Telling a single lie wouldn't compel you to give up honesty as an ideal any more than accidentally running a red light causes you to break every other rule of the road.

The hardest aspect of exercise is starting again after not doing it for a while. That's why I try not to lose my momentum - so I don't have to start all over again.

Just accept that you'll devote at least ten minutes a day to exercising, the same as you accept that you're going to have to eat, bathe, and dress. Now, those ten minutes may not necessarily be at the gym or on the track. They may be that walk you take by parking a little father away from the office. Or those stairs you climb instead of pushing the elevator buttons.

Once you choose to make exercise a daily part of your life, you start to see opportunities for it where before you saw only barriers. That viewpoint begins to create lifestyle changes, and produces a healthier attitude toward life in general.

Consistency also applies to eating - which is another question I'm often asked: How do you have the willpower to be good all the time?

Answer: I don't think in terms of "good" or "bad." Rather, I focus on eating in a way that serves me, my health, and my body. And that includes eating all kinds of foods, some of which many people may consider "bad."

If I had to explain it in terms of "good" and "bad," I'd say that you only have to be "good" 80 percent of the time. That allows you, pretty much, to do whatever you want with the other twenty and still not upset the equation. You can splurge on a Nestle's Crunch bar. Indulge your craving for Ben & Jerry's. Give in to the tempting smell of apple pie. Just be consistently on track the other 80 percent of the time.

By the same token, the 80-20 rule frees you from the trap of thinking that just because you ate four potato chips, you might as well eat the whole bag.

For instance, when I was pregnant with my first daughter, Katie, I developed the strongest craving for bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches. While this might not seem strange to you, I'd not eaten a piece of bacon for fifteen years. And yet, I could sit down and eat not one but two BLTs at a single meal. Concerned, I checked with my doctor, who assured me that the craving was normal, and perhaps I needed a little more salt in my diet.

After Katie was born, I fortunately lost my craving for bacon. Unfortunately, I've never lost my craving for chocolate. This is an ongoing issue for me. In fact, I'm learning to control my relationship with chocolate. I allow myself to eat it once a week - no guilt, no shame, no worry. The other days, I nibble on fresh fruit, or homemade rice pudding, or suck on a piece of hard candy to satisfy my sweet tooth. I've also learned not to keep large quantities of chocolate around the house. If there were, I'd be tempted to nibble on it every day. I know myself. Giving myself permission to indulge has taken chocolate out of the "bad" food category - and it's no longer an obsession.

I feel a sense of calm about my eating habits. I never feel deprived, and I don't like to listen to someone talk about calories or carbohydrates when I'm eating. My attitude is, when you're eating, enjoy. And when you're satisfied, stop.

That's what I tell people when they ask for my health and fitness secrets. I tell them, the secret is consistency. The three-month, give-it-all mentality is only good for players in the Super Bowl. But when it comes to developing a healthy lifestyle, it's a day in, day out, week in, week out, year in, year out game plan that leads to success.

Alynn Collection..

ThEse Are ol yg kU sempat amik Gambar dari Hasil BeaDs ku Thn Lepas...Sumenye Dari Tempahan BAju KAwaN2....Aku UplOAd Nih Pown BCoz Ade ORg Suro...Meybi Dorg Nk View Ketelitian Kerjew Aku Kowt,...Anyway MA Frens.....Aku Sgt MinaT MenjaHEt Manik...Or Ken Aku Gtaw Kt Cni As BeadinG....BEst...OnCe Keje Siap..Korang akAn Puas Ati... n Lebeh2 LAgik PuAs Atiw Pabile CustOmeR Puas Ati ngan Kejew Kowrunk....Sronok...SebenArnyew Adew Byk Lagik Yg Aku Dah Jahet Tapi Tak Dapat Nk Post Gambr Coz Aku Snirik Tak Snap Gmbr MAnik2 Tue AkiBAt Tak SempAT...sOW..aNYBODY yg Interested KEw utk Aku JAhitkn manik?hehehehe...Aku da Ber Kewcimpung Lam dunia Beading niyh Since LAst 4 YEars...Asalnyew Adelah Minat Yang MEndalaM TerhADap JAhitan2 Rumith Niyh CthnyeW CrOss Stitch, Sulam2an...BEst Taw..Kowrang Try La Wat...Sronok....URm...Gambr2 laen Adew Kt Older Post....Anyway, Aku takpanDai Sgt Snap Pic Cam Kak Elle....Tak Chantek La aku amik gmbr....(ahahaha...or mmg beadS tu yg takchanteq...kah3...)takpewla..yg PEnting I loike pew yg I wt niyh nyah....Ahahahaha.....Plz Do Contact Me If Rase2 nk Tempahan jahitan ManiK yg Murah2.....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ahlan Wa Sahlan...SambuTan MauliDurAsul...

AhHaaaaaaaa....i loike....AKu mmg ske menyemak kt Mende2 event kt Opis niyh...sebab aku bukan one of the committee pown yaw...n dis is Sambutan mAulidur Rasul yg Opis aku Organize sambutan utk Sume Org kt Bangunan niyh.....bajet2 lam 500 org datang...tapi besewla,......majlis2 cmniyh tak ramai kowt....choba Opis wat Idol2 tuh...pebende tuh ha...?ha....yg nyanyi2 tuh kowt...owh worse still mmg tak ramai org dtg gak kowt....sebab nye sume org kt opis aku adelah type yg workaholic.....kui3.....sambutan niyh dibuat pada rabu lepas iaitu bersamaan dgn hari aku blum gaji 23 mac 2010.....mmg best.....ade yg lagik sedey pabila aku tak dapat nk attend full session...aku just tolong dorang packing goodies n jage kaunter jap jek......ehehehehe......tula namenye menyemak......

wahahaahah...Jumla berseNam Beb....

HeyLLo again ma fren.....niyh aku nye video cikai2 yg aku wt sempena utk encourage korang seme bersenam ...jumla bersenam...aku wt demo jek kot niyh bcoz aku da injured da...hahahaha padan muke haku....but still aku tetap jek doin exercise....aku akan bersenam setiap pagi b4 masuk keje...wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......punyela takot terkumpul balik saturated n non saturated fat tuh....yewla...sape jek nak 120kg beb ...gua punye berat badan dlu arh......n skang da tinggal separuh dari berat tersebut....aku byk adopt kata2 kathy smith.....minah niyh pergh.....gile nye muscular badan dia.......taktau la lau dia pnh wt liposuction ke cm beyonce ke.....or cm some other celebrity tp tu dia nye pasal laaa kn? enjoy la da video......aku cume nk gtau aku wasn't mcm dalam video tu before niyh...i wuz god damn fat.....dak2 laki panggil ku badak seyh kt skolah dlu......korang pe tau kesusahan aku setiap ari balik skolah nangis n nangis coz kenew buli.....abah jugak yg salu tolong aku dengan membuat lawak utk menghepikan diri aku balik n abah da takde dh utk wat lawak untuk aku hepi tuh..uwaaaaaaa........datz y aku sempot tol lau ade org hine2 org gemuk.....coz aku pernah gemukz n aku tau camne prasaannye jadik gmuk dan dihina serta dikeji dan disamping bersenam kte hendaklah menjaga pemakanan memandangkan negara kite niyh mmgla kaye dengan makanan dan sumber makanan yg teramatlah berkhasiat...bak kate kathy smith...u ae what you yg shud determine ape yg kte nk mkn...ape yg da best utk hidup how ma fren...?korang nk join aku kew tak niyh....?ala..lau dak2 opis mehla join aku di sekitar opis...kte berlari larian jek.....duduk dalam aircond for da whole day buat kte jadik lemau......stressful lak lets discharge kte nye hormone beta endorphine...tau tak bekas penyanyi nirvana yg mampos buno diri tu ....abg kurt cobain tu terpakse suntik hormone tuh in order to feel better n gewd all day long...aku ckp ngan korang niyh...takyah membazirla....g jek lompat...wt lompat bintang 200x then dah dpt dh hormone tuh....tak caye try la weyh.....ahahahaha...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

beyonce wannabe.....ahahahah.....

Aku mmg adore gile minah it was last week when aku felt really bosan tahap shipan...aku g kt utiup nye web n try to find out whether she's a fake or mmg dia nih cntik....n unfortunately mmgla fake kan?mane de artis yg tak wat amendment kt ghupe dorg....(bodola aku niyh)...aku ske gile tgk rmbut2 minah niyh but so n so sedeyla coz dia gupenye kai lace wig ol da time.....she never reveal rmbut dia yg sbenanye.....n gupe2nye dia pnah undergo satu stupid operation iaitu liposuction kt wonder la flat da flattener perut dia aku tgk...aduhla...mcm gile aku bersenam pon tak dapat2 gak prot cmtuh....god damn it!!si beyonce nih claim yg dia spend mase byk gile kt gym..tula kunon2 perowt dia flat laaaaa...whattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....pnipu seyh......

gettin bored...

I'm thinkin of doin somethin new in ma da bosan gilew ah kejew ari2 cmnie....kehidupan yg statik akan membuatkan produktiviti kite menurun n dat is so applied to our health jugak.....aku might ase lemau2 badan...sakit urat2 sendi.....ligamen aku sume jadik ketat...otot sume jadik lembek.....owh no matter what we do I think we should think forward..aku da stat bosan la keje ari2...datang keje pagi2...bgn kol 4 pagi n i hev to bersiap kai bju sukan...went out for jogging..gym...owh gosh....datz is so so so yg i hev to do to ensure ma life is happily I told everybody b4.....senaman would discharge our beta endorphine nye hormone where kte will easily feel happy rite afta doin matter busy u are.....u really hev to bersenam...dat is da perinsip yg i adopt to make maself hepi n hepi.......or maybe kalo da bosan sgt2.....i would n would have been in had pegi wat pangai panjat KLCC ke.....or at least pick randomly any condos untuk dipanjat or maybe amik cuti n g jalan kaki dari rumah ke Shah Alam or maybe maen lompat2 jek lam opis niyh.................bosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn...........