Thursday, July 29, 2010

BanaNa..YummY For Ma TummY..

1.00 each
118.00 grams
108.56 calories
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)0.68 mg34.05.6very good
vitamin C10.74 mg17.93.0good
potassium467.28 mg13.42.2good
dietary fiber2.83 g11.31.9good
manganese0.18 mg9.01.5good
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
very goodDV>=50%ORDensity>=3.4ANDDV>=5%

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

QuoteD FroM the RealAge.Com..PLz Read...

When It Comes to Body Fat, It's All About Location

Find out why omentum -- a type of belly fat -- is the baddest fat in town

By RealAge
Page 1 of 1

If you're overweight, the extra fat is sure to manifest itself in some outward side effects, like a lack of energy or self-esteem. But many of the risk factors associated with carrying too much fat don't have any outward symptoms at all -- the only way to tell whether being overweight is threatening your life is by focusing on what's happening at your body's most core levels.

What's In a Name?
There are lots of ways to refer to the unhealthy fat located deep inside the belly. But by any name, it's the most dangerous kind of body fat:

  • Omentum
  • Belly fat
  • Intra-abdominal adiposity (IAA)
  • Visceral fat
  • Beer gut
  • Abdominal fat
  • Spare tire

Three Kinds of Fat
See, fat is like real estate: It's all about location, location, location. We all have three kinds of fat: fat in our bloodstream (called triglycerides), subcutaneous fat (which lies just beneath the skin's surface), and omentum fat. The omentum is a fatty layer of tissue located inside the belly, where it hangs underneath the muscles in your stomach (which is why some men with beer guts have hard-as-a-keg bellies -- their fat is under the muscle). You may hear people on the street refer to it not only as a beer gut but also as belly fat, love handles, a beach-ball belly, or a spare tire. Doctors refer to it as visceral fat or intra-abdominal adiposity (IAA).

Because this omentum fat is so close to your organs, it's their best energy source. (Why go to the gas station on the other side of town when there's a station at the next corner?).

What Belly Fat Does
In addition, the fat released from the omentum rapidly and constantly travels to your liver, unlike the fat on your thighs, which patiently waits. The processed material is then shipped to the arteries, where it is linked to health risks like high LDL (lousy) cholesterol. Also, the more omentum fat you have, the less adiponectin you produce. Adiponectin is a stress- and inflammation-reducing chemical related to the hunger-controlling hormone leptin.

Those are the reasons why the fat on your thighs doesn't matter as much to your health as does omentum fat, and they help explain why omentum fat (or an "apple" body shape) is more harmful than subcutaneous fat (like thigh fat, which gives you a "pear" shape). Subcutaneous fat isn't supplying a feeding tube to your vital internal organs, and it's not messing up the levels of substances in your blood that are being supplied to those organs.

Encouraging News
What's most interesting -- and encouraging -- is that as soon as you make physiological changes to your omentum, your body starts seeing the effects. That is, once your body senses it's losing that fat, then your body's blood-related numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar) start traveling in a healthy direction -- within days, before you even notice any physical signs of weight loss. It's a good reason not to get discouraged by the numbers on your scale during the first few weeks of a diet, because you're doing the right things for your body. Get more dieting tips from the YOU Docs.

What's In a Name?

There are lots of ways to refer to the unhealthy fat located deep inside the belly. But by any name, it's the most dangerous kind of body fat:
  • Omentum
  • Belly fat
  • Intra-abdominal adiposity (IAA)
  • Visceral fat
  • Beer gut
  • Abdominal fat
  • Spare tire

PeNat Tapi Best..

Ariniw WorkouT aku cam Aramnyew Pewnat...started at 6.55am till 7.45am dgn squattin yg ber repetation 50...deMmmmMM!!pnat...sakit sumew otot2 butt Itu yg aku aIm pown..demi mendapatKan tuBuh badan yg muscular...pastu wat ar lunges ...pown mik repetation yg byk utk ase sakit kiri 50 n kanan 50..then start to do zuzana nye workoUt wic is mmg cam aram nye susah...hurh..nk terbegHanak aku wat senaman Dia..haiSSSehhhhh...tidak Lupew Jugew Kepade senaman Resistence band ...lagi arh Pnt....tu yg aku blajo Dari Joel from RealAge...nih pownAdik aku introdusi kan...nk kat2 abes tuh aku wat la twist kegemaran aku sebanyak 300x in order utk dapatkan pinggang yg ramping seramping2nyew...n lastly my fevret routine adelah jumpin jack di mana ianye merupakan senaman kardio bagi menggantikAn larian atau jog...wahuuuuu...Try ar senaM sendiri kengKawan..!!not Necessarily goin to Gym, Fitness CLub or BErlari sejauh mane kt TAman2.....senamaN yg aku wt peluhnye mak aihhhh mengalahKan g berSawah tongah Paneh!!tak terkoBa poluh eh!! aha....n lau Da Penat senam..makan Musti Jage...Makanla Dgn KErap tapi dgn Kuantiti yg sedikit..jauhkan oily Food..Junk Food..Fast FooD.... Lau Leh byk mik Raw Food...n avoId nasik loh wic is hard to burn itz CalorieS...

Monday, July 26, 2010

BoDy RocK Zuzana!!

Im really into Zuzana Body Rock wt mase niyh...She taught me a lot on home workout n not necessarily we go to the gym to workout.....n yet u can even use your own body sebagai interesting....aku siap bli Interval timer...just the same yg she possessed tu...aku sgt la cam adore org yg ber motivasi tinggi dalam senaman.....
Body Rock With Zuzana JugaK tlg aku how to eat right.....mOst of da people especially kt Malaysia dun even noe how to eat in a rite way...dorang main blasah Jek makan Pape sahaje tanpe memikirkan Consequences mase depan.....adekah they Will Suffer from Hypertension, Diabetic n pape saje jenis penyakit yg diaakibatkan daripada cara makan yg salah.....
Well..on how to eat in a good sis....Azlia read a lot bout this ....n she also practicing the same way of eating habit....i'm very pleased to urge everybody, every man n every gurl to start on'll really heLp u to stay healthy n happy all day long.....